Vanessa and Angela Simmons are fun to watch. I used to love Run's House but this is better cuz they were the main reasons I watched the show. Dont get me wrong...I love The Hills and The City...but this is easier for me to relate to. Although ALL these heffas got way more money than me...I can still relate to them more because they are down to earth and lightweight humble. Their father raised them right. The show is funny and all the girls are so different and they all compliment each other. And my new favorite quote... "Open Ya Fat Eyes!!!" --Angela Simmons
This may sound a little weird coming from a guy (who's straight like Indian Hair) but I check out every episode of "Daddy's Little Girls". My little sister put me on to the show and I've been watching it every since. I was actually considering blogging about this show because its a positive reality show. There's a lot of poison (that could be entertaining at times) that plague television sets these days. This show is a breath of fresh air and very tasteful.