Monday, October 26, 2009


Ok...i LOVE this band!!!

I'm not usually on top of new videos on MTV or new music by rock bands, but, last year some time i heard this song called

and i instantly fell in love with it! i downloaded it and killed it. But for some reason, i didnt think to do my homework on this band. So i just did. Yesterday. I spent half my day on youtube watchin videos on most of their songs. Come to find out they have 3 albums, including one that just dropped late last month.


Although I havent listened to every song on every album, im in love wit their second album Riot! released in 07. All the singles they released from that album was dope!
The band consists of Hayley Williams (lead vocals/keyboards), Josh Farro (lead guitar/backing vocals), Jeremy Davis (bass guitar), Zac Farro (drums), and Taylor York (rhythm guitar). They been out since like sure im late, i hopped on early 08.

anyways...check em out if u havent already. New album in stores: Brand New Eyes tired of black ppl thinkin that all they can listen to is Hip Hop and R&B!! Although those are my 2 favorite genres...there is nothing wrong with being open minded! Its all music! I like what sounds good or whatever speaks to me. Get out of ur little boxes and Get like me! LOL


  1. I LOVE PARAMORE!!!!!!!

  2. OH YES! love them..... "thats what you get" is one of my many favorites of theirs!

  3. YAY!! Im glad u guys share my sentiments!! And "thats what u get" is my second favorite! especially the video. pretty dope.

  4. Thought i was the Only one i Love Paramore Crsh crush crush is sickk and i love IGNORGANCE thats my shit listen to that everyday Haley is Dope

  5. Yeah man...i definitely gotta get my Paramore fix everyday!!

  6. just listened to That's what you get and i love it...

  7. I also love "Fences" listen to that one too...i be killin dat album!
